Opt out

Unsubscribe from marketing

Marketing opt out

If you have received unwanted marketing messages you can opt out here. Please provide the contact details you would like us to remove from our marketing list.

Please enter your mobile phone number.
Please enter your email address.

Please let us know why you have decided to unsubscribe:


A selection of common questions

Frequently asked questions

Do you want to know more about our opt out service and how it works?

Why was I contacted?

You may be receiving SMS or email messages from us because your contact details were used as part of a loan application on one of our loan websites. We use direct marketing to provide relevant offers to our customers. If you wish to stop receiving direct marketing content, then you can opt out of this service here.

How long does it take to opt out?

To stop receiving messages you only need to provide your email address and mobile phone number. The opt out request usually takes between 24-48 hours. If you receive any messages during this time please ignore them, you won't need to opt out again.

Can I sign up to receive offers if I previously opted out?

You can apply using any of our brands and opt in to receive direct marketing during the application process.


An opportunity to improve our service

Next steps

If you are not satisfied with any aspect of the credit brokerage service that you have received from William Ellis Sinclair (the Company, we, us, or our), we would like you to tell us your concerns to enable us to address them.

How do I file a complaint?

If you want to write to us please send your complaint to William Ellis Sinclair, 8A Dunraven Place, Bridgend, CF31 1JD, United Kingdom.

What we will need from you

To help us investigate and resolve your complaint as quick as possible please could you provide us with the following details;

  • Your full name, address, date of birth and telephone number
  • The full details of your concern (provide as much detail as possible)

Please note that we cannot deal with complaints regarding the service provider or any lender or broker we may refer you too. You will need to take up any complaints directly with the company directly.

How long will it take?

Upon receiving your complaint we try to get it resolved within 24 hours of receipt.

If we cannot resolve this within the time stated, we will send you an acknowledgement that we have received your complaint and we will contact you within 5 working days of receipt and let you know who is dealing with it.

We will keep you informed of the progress of the investigation by writing to you no later than four weeks after receiving your complaint, to let you know the outcome of our investigations. If for some reason we have been unable to reach a resolution at this stage and further investigations are required, we will write to you at this stage informing you of the reasons for the delay.

We are committed to ensuring that you receive a final response letter within eight weeks of the Company receiving your complaint.

If you are still not satisfied

If you are dissatisfied with our final response, or we have not provided a final response within eight weeks of receiving your complaint you have a number of options available to you:

  • You can ask us for a formal review by contacting our Complaints Manager; and / or
  • You can ask the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) to review your complaint. You may contact FOS following the passing of eight weeks after making a complaint. You have a maximum of 6 months from date of receipt of our final response within which to contact FOS.

Please note, even if you have asked for your complaint to be reviewed by the Company, you still have the right to contact the FOS.

Contact details

To request a formal review of our complaints procedure, please contact the Complaints Manager on:

The Complaints Manager, William Ellis Sinclair, 8A Dunraven Place, Bridgend, CF31 1JD, United Kingdom.

To submit a complaint to FOS, please contact the Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, London, E14 9SR. Telephone option: 0800 023 4567, calls to this number are now free on mobile phones and landlines. Telephone option: 0300 123 9 123, calls to this number cost no more than calls to 01 and 02 numbers. Email: [email protected].

European Online Dispute Resolution Platform

In relation to your complaint you can also request a review from the European Online Dispute Resolution platform: here.